Independent Living Skills: Training is provided in the areas of money management covering preparing a budget, spending wisely, opening a checking account; wellness covering nutrition, stress management, exercise, cultural enrichment, etc.; and transportation. IL Skills classes are offered on the second Wednesday of each month.
Housing Services: ILCKC may be able to support consumers with locating accessible and affordable housing including referrals to housing agencies throughout the community. ILCKC assists with applying for subsidized housing, mediation, rental challenges, and home modifications.
ASL Interpreting Services: ILCKC’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Department provides quality ASL interpreting services that facilitate communication between the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community and local businesses and organizations.
Assistive Technology (AT): AT program is available free of charge to qualified consumers from basic computer skills to assistive software specific to individual’s needs. AT and/or computer classes can be scheduled on a one-on-one appointment. AT inventory is updated regularly as donated items come in – check for availability.
Repair and ReUse program provides equipment such as power/manual wheelchairs, shower benches, crutches, walkers to consumers at no cost.
Peer Support: Available for all consumers, this group meets regularly to promote self-help values and supports healthy interaction and social skills. The groups are defined by the needs and wants of the people participating. Discussion helpful tips regarding daily life adjustments, problem-solving, and goal setting are shared among peers.
Personal Assistance: Consumers may need a personal assistant with daily-living activities. Personal Assistance program develop skills and knowledge for interviewing, hiring and management of their personal assistant. ILCKC maintains a registry of personal assistants who specialize in working with people with disabilities.
Information and Referral: Consumers are provided with assistance to utilize all available resources in the community.
Systems Change Advocacy: The advocacy program focuses on efforts affecting change in our community and government, local and state, through partnerships with consumers and the community.
Transition & Diversion Services: Focuses on those who have been in a healthcare facility, including but not limited to a nursing or a convalescent home, for at least three months, who are MediCal eligible and who want to live independently. ILCKC helps by: coordinating, locating affordable housing, home set-up, adaptive equipment, transportation options, self-care training, research, interview and hiring of a care provider, and creating an overall plan to return to community-living safely and out of an assisted-care facility.
Financial Benefits Assistance: Staff-provided assistance for people with disabilities to understand and apply for benefits through Social Security and other public-assistance programs.